The abortion thing can be summed up in one paragraph. One side believes that they have the right to chose whether or not to lend their body to a fetus for nine months and or allow the fetus to become a human, and that to control what another person chooses to do with their body is morally wrong. The other side believes that the choice was made on the night of conception, and that to end an already growing life is morally wrong. The two sides will never come to an agreement because one believes in the termination of pregnancy a time in which human life has not yet begun, while the other believes in the protection of human life which has begun some time in the pre natal stage. Both sides are right. Because according to the belief of each, the act of abortion either ends or doesn't end an actual human life.
The argument for Gay Marriage is similar in the sense that each side believes in a different moral code. One side believes that marriage is a commandment from God, and because it was commanded that it be between two members of the opposite sex, it is morally wrong to obey the commandment incorrectly. The other side believes that marriage is step in the journey of love, the opportunity to join yourself to another person in a secure loving relationship until death. The two sides will never agree, because they are both right. You can claim that it is about benefits or teaching about gay marriage in schools, but those arguments simply supplemental to the real issue. To allow two people to participate in a religious ceremony ( I say religious because the first ceremony on record is in the Bible, and thus the basis for this side's argument) who in the act are disobeying it's purpose, is wrong. To disallow two people who love one another to participate in the highest expression of love and commitment on this earth, is wrong. Didn't we learn anything from Romeo and Juliet? So, there is no solution. And the law will be written according to who is the majority. Those who either sympathize or believe that God sympathizes with homosexuals, or those who don't or believe that God doesn't.
As for me, I am not inclined to have an abortion or a homosexual relationship. I have been taught my whole life that to suffer is honorable, to accept the consequences of ones actions is necessary and a grand step in the repentance process. To deny myself of desires or acts incongruent with the moral standard which I subscribe to will make me stronger and therefore happier in the long run. Which to be honest, it has. I also feel that these debates would be solved if we all knew what God thought. But we don't. We all just try to do what we think God thinks is good. Or at least I like to think that each of us does.
My personal opinion on the subject of gay marriage is this. I do not have a large friend base of homosexual people. I do however, have a few friends who smoke weed. I love each of these people. I don't smoke weed, but I don't think any less of them for doing so, because I do not hold them to the moral standard that I hold myself to. I believe what I chose to believe and I allow all others the same privilege. However, when it comes to voting, am I going to vote to legalize the sale of Marijuana in this country? No. Does that mean I love my friends any less? No. Do I sympathize with them and respect that their personal habits are their own choice. Yes. My personal integrity though compels me support the moral code by which I live with my vote. Therefore because I feel that it is wrong to smoke weed, I can not support legalizing it's sale in this country. The same is true for me on the subject of Gay marriage. Though I feel for those who are legally prevented from marrying the one they love, and I wish that there was some other way. Because I feel that it is wrong to participate in a homosexual relationship, I can not support legalizing homosexual marriage in this country.
It sounds more complicated than it is. The simple explanation is that I cannot vote for something to be legalized that I would not do. Because it would be like me saying that it is not wrong morally. Because if it is legal it must be right, right? I am aware that loving those who do not share my moral standard would normally make me empathize with them enough to vote for what they want. But it's not personal, it's politics, so I can love others, empathize with them and still not vote with them.
Agreed, agreed, agreed.I could not have said this in better words. But when it comes to babies I am pro prevention if pregnancy is something you want to avoid. Abstinence and contraception is not taught enough. Love you Pam!